Here is my photo and drawing diary of the past month in Japan. I traveled with Ichi north to the island of Hokkaido where we got to soak in many hot springs (onsen), and witness the beautiful scenery with the mountains (yama) and autumn leaves (kouyou). We also got to play to some lovely audiences and stay with some brilliant people along the way. To the left is our transport (an old post van), and to the right a bus stop at the foot of a volcano, Touya, Hokkaido.
Rainy morning, Mito
spiders (kumo), service station
moon (suki), Morioka
tape box, the van
Onsen hotel, near Sendai
Ichi, yoga
grasses, from the van window
me and Ichi playing in an old house, Hirosaki, where I also had an exhibition
ferry to Hokkaido
playing in Hakodate
roadside farmshop
Yoga, Chaihana, Touya, Hokkaido
Touya, Hokkaido
Chaihana, Touya, Hokkaido
Chikachan drawing me
Daisan and family Chaihana
opening act in Sapporo, Hokkaido (names I forget, but she was lovely and I enjoyed drawing to her music)
Luisan and Tamichan, Yagiya, Sapporo, Hokkaido
we were looked after and fed amazing homemade bread and blackberry jam for 3 days
40hrs on the ferry back to Nagoya from Hokkaido
Tonchan`s garden, countryside near Kyoto
and home to Nagoya