Before I crack on and tell you why I love Bristol, I want to do a bit of a shout out about my Balloon single, which looks like this:
The badge comes complete with a download code to get Balloon, Sticking in Pins, Balloon video, and the badge itself which is a small part of a very big stitched mountain I made from old paper (sea charts, antique book covers and scrolls from Japan, my scale book from school etc)
There is a code to track your very piece. And there is an invitation to join the photo project, the idea being that the squares can be tracked to their next destination.... hopefully with an exhibition next spring/summer.

This is my submission and below is a short film of the making of this project which describes it better than words
order BALLOON BADGE from
And now I'll give some news of he last few weeks. Lots of inspirational goings on in BRISTOL:
Impromptu session at our street party, wind section just out of the picture included 3 clarinetists, french horn, sax and a trumpet. ....and all living in the same street would you believe
getting tips from our neighbour who we met at the street party
A day in Boiling Wells, Bristol, organised by the marvellous Qu Junktions team. A magical array of sound art goings on amongst the foliage
Putting the bike trailer/suitcase to good use
Earth Xylaphone digging action, received lots of "who are you burying" comments

After a short improvisational performance by Ichi, we improvised by getting inside it 1 at a time! Sounded beautiful from within, not claustraphobic but cosy and you could feel the humming vibrations of the wood. Late in the day family of 4 children, youngest just 1 year old, climbed inside all together and stayed there for about 10 minutes. Finally it had to be dismantled. Destroying things is so quick in comparison to creating them! Ichi is already thinking about a new improved design.
Tall James's wind pipe organ creations
as an observer it was hard to understand but I gleaned that all had different instructions coming at them through their headphones. One participant was told to check her e-mails, another was told to ask if anyone wanted anything from the kiosk

I went out along the cut in Bristol with a group who look after the wild apple trees. I got involved with a saw and came home with apples for a huge crumble
EXHIBITION by HIENZ JUNKINS (James from OLO Worms) at The Louisiana
with Music from myself, Ichi, Rozi, SJEsau and Found
Ichi in the cellar
Rozi Plain
SJEsau with some incredible projections he's been making
and now for a quick Europe Tour Plug...
me and Ichi are packed and ready
Sep 15th - Feinkostlampe, Hannover, Germany
Sep 16th - Volksbad Buckau, Magdeburg, Germany
Sep 18th - Fischbar, Leipzig, Germany
Sep 20th - Fluc, Vienna, Austria
Sep 22nd - Hafen 2, Offenbach, Germany
Sep 23rd - Kohi, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep 24th - Oliver Peel Session, Paris, France
Sep 30th - Enuma, Dusseldorf, Germany
Sep 16th - Volksbad Buckau, Magdeburg, Germany
Sep 18th - Fischbar, Leipzig, Germany
Sep 20th - Fluc, Vienna, Austria
Sep 22nd - Hafen 2, Offenbach, Germany
Sep 23rd - Kohi, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep 24th - Oliver Peel Session, Paris, France
Sep 30th - Enuma, Dusseldorf, Germany